WordPress 5.3 is Coming, What is New For You?

WordPress 5.3 will be the last major release of the year and is expected to be released by mid-November 2019. WordPress development company assures that WordPress 5.3 will ship with some significant improvements.

As we always follow the new trends with providing pieces of information to you, Hike Branding team has come up with a quick review that highlights all the new updates in this blog!

#1 Twenty Twenty – A New Default Theme

A new default WordPress theme called Twenty Twenty is with WordPress 5.3. Based on Chaplin, it is beautiful and most elegant part of this new theme is typography. With Inter typeface (font), it comes in various widths (bold, italics, extra bold). The font is useful for headlines, making them more prominent and crisp and gives a perfect look on smaller screens.

Twenty Twenty theme users can take full advantage of the WordPress block editor and create gorgeous content layouts for their posts and pages.

What else it includes?

  • # A cover & a full-width template for posts and pages.
  • # There are two navigation menus on the top.
  • # A social links menu at the bottom.
  • # Two separate menus for mobile screens.

#2 User Interface and Design Updates

With WordPress 5.3, you can add a new color palette, improve color contrasts on form fields and buttons, and combine the look and can take the feel of the editor and rest of the WordPress admin screens.

Moreover, it will also improve the accessibility of the admin area and make it a fun experience for users.

#3 New Block APIs

There’s not only enhancement in the block editors, the overall user interface and experience is also improved with new animations and visual hints.

Lists of blocks:

  1. Group blocks together
  2. Improved column block
  3. Improved image block
  4. Improved table Block
  5. Improved button block
  6. Improved latest post block

This time WordPress 5.3 comes with new block APIs for developers. PHP lovers can easily manage to register and unregister the block styles through 2 different functions: register_block_style and unregister_block_style.

#4 Date/Time Component Improvements

With the new version, they introduced new API functions. With this, the developers can better manage their dates and time zones in the new version.

For Developers

  • Code modernization
  • Time/Date component fixes
  • Toggle password view
  • Improvements to multisite
  • Save database version in site meta
  • PHP 7.4 Compatibility and removal of deprecated functionality


New features in the editor increase design freedoms, provide additional layout options, new blocks, more intuitive interactions, and improved accessibility and style variations to allow designers to complete control over the look of a site, WordPress 5.3 would a good choice for the latest trend. You can try out the beta version on your computer by using the WordPress Beta Tester plugin.

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